1. Determine your meeting objectives with in mind what you would really like to know
2. Choose the advisors carefully
3. Create a good mix of participants for a diversity of opinions
4. Determine the place and date according to your advisers; make sure you can accommodate them at best
5. Go straight to the point and apply the ‘less is more’ mindset
6. Give enough time to create a favorable environment for the exchange
7. Be authentic; share with them your real concerns by asking for their help in order to reap all the benefits of their experience; they'll be generous in their response
8. Make sure the facilitator can leverage credibility, neutrality, transparency and outspokenness to adapt and bounce with ease based on discussions and topics
9. Keep your promises: Start on time and finish on time
10. Create multiple touch points to keep the advisors engaged
11. And finally (bonus!), determine without delay the action plan based on the actionable insights
And you, what’s your best tip?